What's New

  Recognised Security Organisations (RSOs)

The following Classification Societies have been appointed as Recognised Security Organisations (RSOs) to act on behalf of this Administration, for verifying and certifying the compliance of ships with respect to the requirements of the new SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the relevant International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code:

ABS American Bureau of Shipping
BV Bureau Veritas
CCS China Classification Society
CR Croatian Register of Shipping
INSB International Naval Surveys Bureau
KRS Korean Register of Shipping
LR Lloyds Register of Shipping
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
PRS Polish Register of Shipping
RINa Registro Italiano Navale
IRS Indian Register of Shipping
TL Turkish Lloyd
BRS Bulgarian Register of Shipping

The following outlines the delegation of the ISPS Code Authority to the RSOs:
Review and approve the Ship Security Plan in accordance with Part A of the ISPS Code
Carry out initial, intermediate and renewal shipboard verifications to verify that the ship security system and associated equipment comply with the SOLAS XI-2 and the approved Ship Security Plan
Issue short term certificates, with validity for five months to ships registered under the St Vincent Flag. In addition to issue Interim certificates in circumstances appropriate under the ISPS code. Regarding full term (maximum 5 years) ISSC, further instructions will be released in due time.