From the 1st July 2004, all St. Vincent flagged vessels should adopt security level 
Ship Security Alerts, where these are required to be fitted, should be programmed to send a message to the CSO responsible for the vessel, and also to this administration on security@svg-marad.com.
1. Procedure when a real SSAS message is received:
This Administration requests the CSO to verify immediately the status of the received SSAS message and act as follows:
The CSO should immediately notify this Administration using the Security Emergency Contact Number: +41 79 447 96 76. Further actions will then be engaged by this Administration.
2. Procedure when a false SSAS message is received:
This Administration requests the CSO to verify immediately the status of the SSAS message and act as follows:
The CSO should notify immediately this Administration using the Security Emergency Contact Number: +41 79 447 96 76 or email: security@svg-marad.com as per Circular ISPS 013.
When a message is sent on security@svg-marad.com,
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a signal will be made on administration mobile phones advising that a message has been received.
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The administration will access the IMO database to establish contact details of the nearby coastal states.
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The coastal states will be advised that a security alert has been received from which ship and the position.
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The Administration will contact the company security officer for details of cargo and itinerary and number of crew on board, and will advise the coastal state.
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The company security officer should at the earliest moment fax and e-mail (on security@svg-marad.com) to the administration a copy of the crew list and advise cargo type and quantity on board and any other relevant information
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The security e-mail address given above should never be used for communication of any kind other than from the ship security alerts, or for information directly related to a ship security alert.
A list of St. Vincent approved RSO’s can be found on the the web site of St. Vincent here (List of RSO). The RSO will approve the security plan and assessment, and perform the on board verification. After verification the RSO will issue a short term ISSC, and pass the report and copy of the short term certificate to ourselves. The Administration will then issue a full term ISSC valid for five years subject to the required intermediate verifications. The ship security plan may not be changed without approval and documenting the change by the CSO. Such approval and documenting shall remain with the security plan.
In addition, where a change of substance to the plan, the change must be submitted to the RSO for approval, together with the approval given by the CSO.
Security Documents should be retained on board for at least three years or the ten last ports of call whichever comes last. Records of Third Party or Internal Security Audits should be retained on board for at least five years.
Security details for the ports are intended to be found on the IMO database at their website at www.imo.org.
All managers should complete the form declaration of Company Security Officer. Note that it is essential that we are in possession of an e-mail address to which security information can be passed in case of need.