Flash Information

Thursday 04 July 2024
at 09:51:39
Paris MoU Focused Inspection Campaign - Fire Doors :
The Paris MoU is trialling an alternative approach to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) by conducting several short, targeted inspection campaigns called “Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs)”. During the month of July 2024, such an unannounced FIC is being run to check that fire doors are being maintained in good working order. During the period of the campaign, Port State Control Officers will be checking items such as:
  • Verifying that fire door control panel indicators, if provided, are functional;
  • Testing a sample of fire doors for local and remotely controlled operation;
  • Checking if self-closing fire doors are improperly lashed in the open position;
  • Checking that doors close and latch properly;
  • Checking that doors fitted in boundary bulkheads of machinery spaces of Category A are reasonably gastight and self-closing;
  • Checking that fire doors have the appropriate fire resistance for the bulkhead in which they are fitted – Class A or B.
Ship Owners, Ship Managers, and Operators should take note of the campaign and ensure that ship’s crews trading within the Paris MoU area are aware of the FIC, and special attention is paid to ensuring that fire doors are properly maintained.

Please ensure that your vessels comply with the outlined checks to avoid any potential issues during the inspection campaign.

Friday 26 January 2024
at 09:25:43
Security Situation in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea :
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines vessels transiting the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea are required to implement security measures which correspond to security level 3. They must implement all security measures outlined in their Ship Security Plan. It is strongly advised that vessel Owners, Managers, Operators, and Masters continue conducting pre-voyage threat and risk assessments.

Furthermore, the US Naval Forces Central Command Bahrain (NAVCENT) has alerted shipping about a persistent high level of threat and risk for commercial vessels navigating the Red Sea, particularly in the regions ranging from 12 to 16 degrees North and West of 46 degrees East in the Southern Red Sea and Bab al Mandab Strait. The decision to proceed with transit is at the discretion of the Company, considering the recent surge in targeted attacks on commercial ships. Additionally, ships choosing to transit with AIS turned off are instructed to provide position reports to COMUSNAVCENT every 2-3 hours.

All vessels are required to report to the UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) and register with the Maritime Security Centre for the Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) following industry Best Management Practices (BMP). They should seek advice from coalition forces operating in the area and adhere to Interim industry transit advice, Southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, IMO Resolution A.1106(29), and CMF Guidance for Shipping Navigating the Southern Red Sea.

Monday 30 October 2023
at 11:19:06
Security Situation in Israel Ports and Territorial Waters :
This Administration advises its flagged vessels to heighten security and avoid the Mediterranean area near the Gaza Strip due to increased risks.
Owners and managers should also ensure that seafarers on vessels heading towards Israel are aware of any imminent security threats in the region.
Company Security Officers/Owners and Ship Security Officers/Masters should complete a Security Assessment prior to entering the territorial waters of Israel and/or calling at Israeli ports and:
• make frequent checks with local sources of information, e.g. vessel agents, local authorities, and P&I correspondent, to obtain the most up-to-date and reliable security information available at any given time,
• follow advice received from port authorities regarding applicable ISPS security levels,
• if there is no advice received from port authorities regarding increased security level, while in port, vessels must implement security measures similar to Security Level II as per their Ship Security Plan,
• in the event of any incident or suspicious activity, the vessels should activate the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) immediately and notify security@svg-marad.com,
• vessels should follow local authorities' instructions for crew transit in port areas and review communication security plans in case of unforeseen incidents,
• AIS and LRIT must remain active unless there is an imminent security threat, and VHF Channel 16 should be monitored in compliance with SOLAS. In cases where equipment is switched off, reports on the ship's status and crew should be sent via email security@svg-marad.com

Thursday 31 August 2023
at 14:14:24
A concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety will be initiated jointly by the member Authorities of the Tokyo and Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control. The inspection campaign will be held for three (3) months, commencing from 1st September 2023 and ending on 30th November 2023.
Masters should use questionnaire on fire safety CIC in order to identify and prevent possible PSC detention.

Friday 05 August 2022
at 15:11:46
Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on STCW Convention and Code.
This campaign will be held for three months, commencing from 1September 2022 and ending 30 November 2022.
Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a list of predefined questions during the CIC. If deficiencies are found, actions by the port State may vary from recording a deficiency and instructing the master to rectify it within a certain period of time to detaining the ship until the detainable deficiencies have been rectified.

Friday 08 July 2022
at 17:20:06
Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Paris MOU to verify compliance with the requirements of the Polar Code (Polar code inspection campaign launched by the Paris MoU | Paris MoU). The inspection campaign will be held from Monday 13 June to Friday 1 July 2022 (first period) and from Monday 1 August to Friday 19 August 2022 (second period).

Paris and Tokyo MoUs agreed to carry out a CIC on STCW lasting three months, from 1 September until 30 November 2022. Nearly all other PSC regimes – such as the Black Sea, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Riyadh, and Vina del Mar MoUs – have agreed to join this campaign.
Owners are strongly recommended to:
  • Check if all crew members’ certificates of competence are at hand and valid
  • Check if the Muster List is up-to-date and crew members are familiar with their assigned duties
  • Keep hours of rest updated
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of familiarization for the Master and officers in charge

  • Tuesday 01 March 2022
    at 11:24:55
    Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Maritime Administration wishes to draw the attention of all concerned to the escalating security tensions in Ukraine. According to Reports in the public domain, all commercial operations at Ukrainian sea ports have been suspended.
    Ship Operators/ Managers and Masters of SVG ships that operate or intend to operate in this area, are strongly advised to assess local security situation in order to determine whether security risks are acceptable or not. Masters and crew at all times observe security restrictions imposed by local authorities. In view of the situation, security levels in ports may change at short notice. In accordance with SOLAS XI-2/4.3 and XI-2/4.4, ships shall respond to the Security Level set by the
    Contracting Government. If Ship Operators/ Managers and Masters, after the security assessment, decide to proceed to this area, they are strongly advised to remain vigilant implementing increased security level as per procedures outlined in the approved Ship Security Plans.

    Friday 11 June 2021
    at 16:37:23
    Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU on Stability in General will be carried out from 1 September to 30 November 2021.
    It is expected that the focus will be set on the stability booklet and loading computer. Port State Control Officer (PSCO) will evaluate whether the Master and responsible officers are well trained and familiarized with the systems provided on board.

    Thursday 02 April 2020
    at 18:17:45
    IMO has published Circular providing information and guidance, based on recommendations developed by the World Health Organization (World Health Organization (WHO), on the precautions to be taken to minimize risks to seafarers, passengers and others on board ships from the coronavirus.
    This Administration strongly encourages shipowners/ship managers /ship operators to closely monitor the situation and to take the appropriate measures, as deemed necessary, on board their vessels to reduce the risk of exposure if they are likely to be engaged on ships trading to and from ports in coronavirus-affected States.
    We further strongly encourage ship owners /ship managers /ship operators to seek guidance from local authorities in due time before arrival port on restrictions and other preventive measures currently in effect.

    This Administration also recommends shipowners/ship managers /ship operators to observe WHO Updates regarding the coronavirus.

    Tuesday 24 March 2020
    at 16:29:57
    In the midst of this very difficult and unprecedented pandemic period, we send this message of solidarity and support to all seafarers and our encouragement to everyone who is being impacted. The security measures and regulations taken by global governments in order to contain the disease spread and keep our communities protected have propelled you into a precarious and difficult situation. The numerous restrictions placed on where people can go and what they can do, directly effects embarkation and disembarkation - preventing shore leave. We thank you for your co-operation and support in these endeavours to ensure continuity of shipsÆ operations.

    We wish you and your loved ones good health as we move forward in confidence together. We keep hope that the current situation will be resolved soonest.

    Tuesday 17 March 2020
    at 11:39:59
    COVID-19 :
    Given the evolution of the COVID-19 situation in the last few days and in an effort to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and reduce the potential for transmission, the Office of the Commissioner for Maritime Affairs wishes to inform that we will be closedfrom today at 12:00, March 17th, 2020. Any further changes will be communicated as information becomes available. We will adapt our services for the coming period and maintain all services within our means: electronic certification will be issued where possible.
    We are committed to continue our services, though limited and will operate as such, until further notice.

    We hope that the situation is resolved soonest and hope for a safe and healthy outcome to everyone.

    Tuesday 06 August 2019
    at 11:34:58
    Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU on Emergency Systems and Procedures beginning 1 September 2019 and end on 30 November 2019.
    The purpose of the CIC is to ensure compliance with the requirements for the operation of emergency situations.
    Masters should use CIC on Emergency Systems and Procedures checklist in order to identify and rectify possible PSC inspection.

    Monday 18 February 2019
    at 17:57:20
    The requirement of maximum sulphur content of 0,50% m/m for marine fuel oil will enter into force on the 1st of January 2020.
    This Administration strongly recommends ships to develop implementation plans based on the "Guidance on the Development of aShip Implementation Plan for the Consistent Implementation of the 0.50% Sulphur Limit under MARPOL Annex VI" in accordance with the MEPC.1/Circ.878 in order to avoid delays.
    The Maritime Authorities of the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will start issuing a letter of warning from the 1st of January 2019 on the sulphur content of marine fuels during inspections in order to increase awareness of and to encourage timely compliance with the new requirements.


    Tuesday 08 January 2019
    at 15:18:30
    This document, implemented by Coast Guard during inspections, is intended to provide basic guidance on the conduct of control and compliance measures, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XI-2/9 of SOLAS as amended, in order to afford c

    Tuesday 07 August 2018
    at 10:27:32
    To ensure timely SEEMP Part II verifications by Recognized Organizations (ROs), this Administration strongly recommends that owners/operators of ships subject to the IMO Data Collection System submit their SEEMP Part II to their ROs by 1st September 2018

    Tuesday 07 August 2018
    at 10:27:30
    Paris MoU announced the joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign of Paris and Tokyo MoU on MARPOL Annex VI that will run from September to November 2018.

    Masters should use the Questionnaire for the Inspection Campaign on MARPOL ANNEX VI in order to identify and rectify possible PSC Deficiencies well in advance before the PSC inspection.

    Thursday 31 May 2018
    at 11:49:35
    The registration of fishing vessels and vessels engaged in any fishing activities whatsoever (including the TREATMENT, STORAGE OR TRANSPORTATION OF FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS), is suspended.

    Thursday 24 August 2017
    at 17:49:03
    RIYADH MOU 2017 CONCENTRATED INSPECTION CAMPAIGN on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry from 1st September 2017 to 30th November 2017. :
    The RIYADH (MoU) has recently announced that it will be conducting a concentrated inspection campaign (CIC). The CIC will focus on crew familiarization for enclosed space entry and will run from 1st September 2017 until 30th November 2017.
    During this period Port State Control (PSC) Officers of the RIYADH (MoU) countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE)
    will perform the campaign according to the attached questionnaire form "CIC on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry".
    The full text of the RIYADH (MoU) may be found here.

    Wednesday 23 August 2017
    at 17:16:56
    PSC Officers will use a questionnaire developed by the Paris MOU and Tokyo MOUs to verify that the navigational equipment
    carried on board complies with statutory certificates, that the Master and navigation Officers are qualified and familiar with the operation of the bridge equipment (particularly with Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems)
    and that navigational equipment is properly maintained and functioning.

    Friday 24 February 2017
    at 11:34:56
    This Administration would like to remind ships' Owners, ships' operators, ships' managers and Masters that the Cyprus ports of Famagusta, Karavostassi and Kyrenia situated in the Turkish occupied part of Cyprus which operated prior the 1974 Turkish invasion were declared closed for all vessels in 1974 by the Council of Ministers Order of the Republic of Cyprus.

    The use or attempt to use an illegal point of entry or exit from this part of Cyprus constitutes a violation of Cypriot Law and contravenes the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984).

    Monday 06 February 2017
    at 11:33:00
    All ships, pleasure and commercial yachts above 500 gt should comply with the new Minimum Safe Manning requirements by 1st July 2017.
    In order to avoid delays, shipowners are urged to apply well in advance for the new Minimum Safe Manning Documents.
    Please refer to our Circular STCW 006.

    Wednesday 03 August 2016
    at 10:48:07
    Tokyo MOU CIC on Cargo Securing Arrangements :
    Tokyo MOU Secretariat has issued a Press Release concerning the implementation of a concentrated inspection campaign on Cargo Securing Arrangements to be carried out from 1 September through 30 November 2016.

    See details

    (http://www.tokyo-mou.org/doc/Press release on CIC on Cargo Securing Arrangements.pdf)

    Wednesday 20 July 2016
    at 10:55:39
    Between 1 September and 30 November 2016 a Concentrated Inspection Campaign will place on MLC,2006 requirements.

    See details :

    Thursday 07 July 2016
    at 09:33:44
    Yemen Port Procedures :
    All vessels calling Yemeni ports should obtain the permission from relevant authorities according to the procedure described in the following document.

    See details

    Wednesday 26 August 2015
    at 16:12:13
    Paris and Tokyo MOUs on Port State Control have announced they will launch a joint concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on crew familiarisation with enclosed space entry.
    The CIC will run from 1st September 2015 to 30th November, 2015.

    During port state inspections, officers will check in detail the enclosed space entry procedures and measures that are in place. Port State Control Officers will use the attached questionnaire to establish that crew members are familiar with the relevant equipment and have received training to identify and understand the hazards associated with enclosed space entry.

    Download Questionnaire

    Friday 13 March 2015
    at 17:27:36
    Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks :
    The entry into force date for the Nairobi International Convention of Removal of Wrecks (WRC) is 14 April 2015. The WRC requires owners of ships over 300GT to take out insurance or provide other financial security to cover the costs of wreck removal, capped at an amount equal to the limits of liability under the applicable national or international limitation regime. Owners of ships that call at ports of State Parties which mandate the certificate as a port entry requirement, are also required to carry a WRC State certificate to attest that they have obtained adequate insurance coverage.
    As of January 2015, there are 16 States that have acceded to the WRC as shown in Table A. The WRC allows State Parties to issue the WRC State certificates to ships belonging to non-Convention States. The State Parties of Germany, The Cook Islands, Malta, Palau will issue WRC State certificates to St. Vincent and the Grenadines flagged ships. We would like to advise owners, managers and masters of St. Vincent and the Grenadines flagged ships calling at ports of State Parties to check with the local agents on whether the WRC State certificate is a port entry requirement. If so, please be advised to approach the State Parties of Germany, The Cook Islands and Malta, Palau for the issuance of the WRC State Certificate to your ships. The contact details to make the applications are appended in Table B. We hereby request that copies of all WRCs are submitted to the Administration for our records.

    See Details

    Friday 27 September 2013
    at 14:56:17
    STCW :
    Seaman's Books are compulsory for all seamen.
    A valid STCW Endorsement is mandatory for the issue of Seaman's Book to marine officers.

    Monday 20 August 2012
    at 11:01:26
    Asbestos Inspections :
    The Dutch Shipping Department of the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT/Scheepvaart) will be carrying out on-board checks for compliance with the international SOLAS requirement during the regular PSC inspections of foreign ships in Dutch
    ports. These inspections will commence in the 3rd / 4th quarter of 2012.

    If asbestos is found, the Flag State will be requested to issue an Exemption in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1374.

    See our Circular number SOL 047

    Friday 27 January 2012
    at 14:55:45
    Security level raised to 2 SVG ships at ports and roadsteads in Libya. :

    Wednesday 23 March 2011
    at 14:53:03
    Vessels transiting to or from ports in Japan or in waters in the vicinity of the northeast coast of the island of Honshu. :

    It is recommended, as precaution, that vessels avoid transiting within 50 NM of the Fukushima nuclear power plant at position 37 degrees 19 minutes North, 141 degrees 01 minutes East.

    Seafarers are advised to monitor and comply with NAVTEX and NAVAREA XI warnings and any information being provided by the government of Japan relating to any further potential impacts.

    Friday 28 January 2011
    at 10:51:29
    REMINDER - Security Level 2 maintained in the port of Onne, Nigeria :
    28/01/2011 - Due to the recent piracy activities in the area, St Vincent and The Grenadines Maritime Administration has decided to raise security level from Level I to security Level II for all St Vincent and The Grenadines registered ships calling at
    Onne Port and its anchorage, Nigeria.

    The increase to security Level II will remain in force until otherwise decided.

    When sailing in this area, St Vincent and The Grenadines ships should:

    o Accomplish all measures for security Level II described in the Ship Security Plan (SSP)
    o Follow the relevant advice given in St Vincent and The Grenadines ISPS Circulars.

    Friday 03 December 2010
    at 10:48:19
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ratify Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) :

    Download Document

    Friday 29 May 2009
    at 12:05:51
    St. Vincent and the Grenadines is party to the International convention on civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage, 2001 - effective as of 26th February 2009.

    International Conventions

    Tuesday 23 October 2007
    at 16:10:27
    Security level raised to 2 for Nigerian Waters. Masters and crew are required to be vigilent while in Nigerian Waters :
    This Administration advises the Master/SSO and crew to pay utmost attention and to be vigilant during transit/call at Nigerian waters and ports.

    Master/SSO in consultation with CSO shall verify the actual security situation and implement security measures as per SSP which will correspond to the overall security situation.

    Thursday 16 November 2006
    at 16:22:47
    New Statutory Requirements entering into force on 01st January 2007 :

    Open PDF File